Article 1120

Title of the article



Dubinin Viktor Nikolaevich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of computer engineering, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Dubinin Aleksey Viktorovich, Student, Penza State University (40, Krasnaya street, Penza, Russia), E-mail:
Chen-Wei Yang, Postdoctoral researcher, sub-department of responsible communications and computations, Lulea University of Technology (building A, Regnbogsallen street, Lulea, Sweden), E-mail:
Vyatkin Valeriy Vladimirovich, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, sub-department of responsible communications and computations, Lulea University of Technology (building A, Regnbogsallen street, Lulea, Sweden), E-mail: 

Index UDK

004.75 : 004.89 




Background. The widespread use of multi-agent systems conception and technologies of the semantic Web, as well as the beginning of their active joint use in the design and implementation of information systems, requires the development of new adequate methods and tools for their design.
Materials and methods. The studies were performed using ontological and agent-based approaches to modelling, semantic Web technologies, as well as provisions of the theories of graph transformations and Petri nets.
Results. An approach to ontological modelling of multi-agent systems of the semantic Web is proposed. This approach is demonstrated by an example of a multiagent system in the Smart Grid for marketing operations. Within the framework of the proposed approach, a method for implementing Petri nets based on ontologies and the SPARQL Update language has been developed.
Conclusions: The proposed multi-model approach to ontological modelling of systems is effective because it allows the description of not only the statics of the system, but also its dynamics, which was demonstrated by examples. The SPARQL Update language is the most convenient and powerful tool for implementing this approach. 

Key words

ontology, modeling, multi-agent systems, semantic Web, graph transformation, RDF, Petri nets, Smart Grid, SPARQL Update 

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